Wednesday, January 4, 2012


" I five now?"

It's the end of Christmas break for both of my boys.  There have been late nights and even later mornings of sleeping in; movies, baking, playing "Food Fight" and "Operation" and "Battleship"; trips to Grandmother's house, church, playdates, parties...[taking a breath] falling asleep on Daddy's lap, playing with new toys, drinking egg nog like it's going out of style.  It has been a fulfilling, beautiful, and memorable 2 weeks--one of the most lovely holiday times in my memory.  That being said, my brain has lost track of what day it is.  Forget about multi-tasking at this point...folding laundry and trying to have a conversation is just harder than it normally would be.

"Um...yes, you're five now."  I put down the socks I'm trying to match and think for a minute...

I thought about when I was little...having a birthday on December 29th wasn't always so fun.  I didn't get to bring cupcakes to school and have a party.  Everyone was gone.  Opening Christmas/birthday presents was something I was used to, and never complained about.

So when I was spending my own 28th birthday in the hospital with a newborn, pink-faced baby boy whom we named Isaac Josef, I knew he and I would understand.   I was already imagining the celebration a year from then--and resolving that he would always come before me, in every way.  His birthday, December 28th, is a day before my own.  And he was one of the best presents I ever held.

5 years have passed.  And the gifts still keep coming...

Every day I get to unwrap something new with Isaac:  A new look, a new joke he's discovered, a new emotion he's tapped into.  The excitement isn't just bursting at the seams the last week of the year--it's every moment.  That little baby who fit into a small Christmas stocking the day he was delivered, still manages to fit into my heart.

The birthday boy
Happy birthday to Isaac.  Happy birthday to me.  Happy New Year to you.  May it be filled with new discoveries that keep on giving...


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